

A chalazion is a localized inflammatory response involving sebaceous glands of the eyelid that occurs when the gland duct is obstructed. A chalazion may resolve spontaneously or with warm compresses, lid scrubs, and lid massage. When there is no improvement, the chalazion may be excised.

After local anesthesia, a chalazion instrument is put in place and an incision is made in the inner aspect of the eyelid. The contents of the chalazion are then carefully drained with a curette followed by gentle pressure or heat cautery to control any bleeding.

A chalazion can develop and you might not see any symptoms. When there are symptoms, they can include:

  • a bump on the eyelid, sometimes becoming red and swollen. Occasionally it can be tender.

  • rarely, an entirely swollen eyelid

  • blurry vision, if the chalazion is large enough to press on the eye.

Your physician will help you decide which treatment is best for you.

Please familiarize yourself with this consent form, you will sign this prior to your procedure. Feel free to request a copy.

Consent – Chalazion Excision

Lid Lesion

An eyelid lesion is a growth that develops on the eyelid, this can be a serious tumor or just a benign lump. Lesions may appear on the eyelid for a variety of reasons, including infection, benign and malignant tumors, and structural problems. 

Benign (noncancerous) eyelid lesions may be pigmented or flesh colored, and often do not cause any pain or discomfort— unless they are scratched, in which case they may bleed and become painful.

Malignant (cancerous) growths on the eyelid can appear brown, black, red, or flesh-colored. These lesions may change in appearance, spread, or not respond to treatment. 

Treatment of eyelid lesions includes healing or removing the lesion— and greatly depends on the type of presenting lesion.

Your physician will help you decide which treatment is best for you.